Tournament statistics
- 244 matches (60.2% win)
- 21 tournaments
League Cup and IFL Cup Champions 2016/2017.
Established in 2012/2013, we are a mixture of the former Britanicos and Catenaccio Teams in 2012.
Now, 2018/2019 League Cup & IFL Cup winners.
League Champions 2019/20 season.
Members (7)
When was your team formed?:
Team made form 2 old teams - Sept 2013
Where does your team name come from?:
Use your imagination.
What was your team´s best moment in the league?:
Winning it during a global pandemic like LFC did!
What was your team´s worst moment in the league?:
The league breaking off in March 2020 just after we thumped Finbars.
How would you describe yor team´s style of play?:
Quick, slick and penetrative attacking play with a defensive solidity.
What are your aspirations for this season?:
Winner every Cup on display.
What nationalities do you have in your team:
British, Irish, Colombian, French, Moroccan, American, Equadorian, Argentinian, Peruvian, Hungarian and Spanish.
The IFL in a nutshell. ...
stewart agudelo
Jesse Bhogal
Strip Colour (Home):
Milan Away Strip (White Shirts with Black + Red Trim)
Strip colour (Away):
Napoli Away Strip (Blue shirts + White Shorts)