Tournament statistics
- 206 matches (49.5% win)
- 18 tournaments
Members (13)
When was your team formed?:
Formed in 2008
Where does your team name come from?:
Dutch Gold - Cheap and legend beer we drank as teenagers (in Ireland).
We also play in the Dutch International Jersey which influenced our decision...
What was your team´s best moment in the league?:
2008:Winning 2nd Division/
2011:Runners up Int Cup Granada/
2012:Shield winners Int Cup Valencia/
2013:Copita winners/
2014:Copita runners up...
How would you describe yor team´s style of play?:
Changes every game.
What are your aspirations for this season?:
Top 3 Finish in Division One
What nationalities do you have in your team:
Irish, English, Welsh, Spanish
Strip Colour (Home):
Strip colour (Away):